Many years ago I struggled to find out who I was. It may
sound weird, but I think every person goes through that stage in their life
when they don’t know who they are or how they fit in, in this world and that
was me. When you are young no one ever knows why it’s a big struggle with his
or her identity. Now that I have taken this Pop Culture class I have realized
that I did not know who I was because the media influenced more than I thought
it did. Now I realized that I didn’t know who I was because I wanted to be like
every celebrity out there. I wanted to be skinny, wanted to have nice hair,
have a clear face, and have nice clothes and shoes. I wanted to be like Jessica
Alba, Jennifer Lopez anyone, but myself. I was so unhappy with myself because
that is how the media made me, it made the celebrities untouchable people that
everyone would want to be like them and should be like them. Every teenager
struggles with their identity because of the media, what they see on TV the
magazines etc. We all want the next big thing, the next thing the celebrities
are getting whether it is hair extensions, pills to get skinny, surgery etc. To
this day I still want to be like some famous celebrity look how they look,
dress like they dress, but I’ve learned to accept myself and like myself for
who I am. Although it is a challenge not to fall into the media’s gossip its
better to be yourself than trying to be some famous celebrity that in reality
we could never be, because we are not them and they are not us.
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