Monday, September 30, 2013
In class we have been talking about sex. For example which sex is much more dominant male or female? It is clear that males are still more dominant than females; not just all males, but white males they are still the ones with power. In a corporation, big business if you want to call them they are the ones who are the main bosses and make all the decisions. Although, males have the power females now a days do not let themselves be pushed around, they have a voice and are not afraid to speak their minds like in different times. In some situations you still see males that use their power for evil, or for their own convince. Now more and more females are raising that latter which puts them in the same situation as the males. For example a friend of mine just got fired because they told her that she was dressing inappropriate to work on a day that she was her day off, her boss didn't even let her explain the reason why she was wearing a dress that to me did not seem inappropriate, it was just a dress like any other dress, but her boss claimed to be inappropriate. To me there has to be a much more stronger reason why he fired her, wearing a dress on her day off is insufficient evidence and should not matter to him anyways for firing her. Was it because she was a girl that looked provocative according to him or what could have been the reason? Is it cause the power went to his head and thinks he could fire people left and right?
Monday, September 23, 2013
My super heroes name is Haley the invincible she has no race because she is a little of everything, she is a girl which is obvious by the name. She was born in the middle of nowhere in the poorest area of Africa on October 2, 1991. She was left alone in the middle of nowhere, but was found by a very poor family that took her in, she had 8 brothers and sisters although they were poor they were a very happy family. She made friends with everyone she met, when she got older she wanted to leave home to go to school to study to become a doctor and help the people in need. Her parents couldn't afford school so she began working in whatever she could find. Years after she was able to get the money foe school, while she was studying she also wanted to travel. She wanted to travel the world, become a doctor, get married and start a family. Her super powers are able to hear people think or talk, having strong feelings when someone is in danger, knowing when someone is sad and need of help. Her powers are endless she's able to do anything and everything that is necessary to help the whole world. She was born with these powers, but did not know it little by little she knew what powers she had and what she was capable of doing. Her only limitation was chocolate it made her week, but no one knew that, she had no costume she seemed like an ordinary girl which help because people never knew what she was capable of doing. She tried to protect innocent little kids, anyone who was really in danger her villains where politicians, Narcs, people from the black market, Drug dealers and murders. She was the only girl trying to fight all these people for a better society better people. People loved her and depended on her they accepted her, she was peace something everyone their needed. There were people who did not accept her because she was a girl and a young girl at that they didn't think that a girl should have so much power. Without Haley the invincible people would be lost and defenseless, they wouldn't have the ability to stand up for themselves without her. They would not be able to defend themselves and everything would collapse people would do what they want to who ever they wanted with no shame, people would starve, die and destroy without her. Haley the invisible is a mixture of every culture, religion, class and race with that she believes that one should not form judgement based on those things, but based on their character. Everyone should be treated equal with no favoritism.
What is Love?
In the movie Jerry Maguire there was different ways of showing that you love someone. Jerry had a different relationship with his wife because he married her without loving her. I believe that he married her because she was his partner and they work well together. They married, but then they separated because she realized he didn't love her was only with her cause either of gratitude or cause they work well together in their jobs(attachment). Then he realized that love is a person who will help you built your business, who will be your companion, but will also take care of the kids and house. Its based on communication. Also, it is based on identity the people knowing who they are and what they want to do or be in the world. Jerry and his wife worked together she was his assistant she took care of him, she would be there if he needed her help at work. He met her kid and got attached to him. Their love was based on attachment, caring, communication, working well with others and helping each other at their jobs. That is what love is according to the Jerry Maguire movie.
In the movie Jerry Maguire there was different ways of showing that you love someone. Jerry had a different relationship with his wife because he married her without loving her. I believe that he married her because she was his partner and they work well together. They married, but then they separated because she realized he didn't love her was only with her cause either of gratitude or cause they work well together in their jobs(attachment). Then he realized that love is a person who will help you built your business, who will be your companion, but will also take care of the kids and house. Its based on communication. Also, it is based on identity the people knowing who they are and what they want to do or be in the world. Jerry and his wife worked together she was his assistant she took care of him, she would be there if he needed her help at work. He met her kid and got attached to him. Their love was based on attachment, caring, communication, working well with others and helping each other at their jobs. That is what love is according to the Jerry Maguire movie.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
In class on Monday we had to get an article piece and describe it to the class. I got a page on a hair dye. The people that are in charge of promoting the products did a very good job in promoting Olia Hair dye. It talked most about beauty that if you want your hair to be healthy and vibrant you should buy Olia hair dye also they were promoting by saying it was ammonia free. Not only that, but the model that they paid to do the add looked like she had beautiful healthy hair. In a away they were saying that if you want to look like her and have hair like hers you will have to buy this hair dye. As I was looking at the article I was thinking to myself, "What has society come to." "To what extend are people willing to go to sell their products." One thing that I know is that girls struggle a lot with their self esteem and all this article is doing is making girls feel insecure about how they look, that is why so many girls want to be like the models in the articles to look just like them without anything being wrong with their hair, skin, clothes or simply how they look like. This is all corrupt and is brainwashing many people to buying their products.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Like I mentioned before I work at Fedex and for the last couple of days I have noticed so many things that do not seem right to me Its just another act of the people with power getting their ways. A couple of days ago I've noticed that the main manager the one with all the power (if you can call it that) talked to a Dock Manager saying that a girl could not come to pick up her check on her day off wearing a dress. I did not understand why he was flipping out just cause she was wearing a dress, but according to them as soon as you step until premises you have to be dressed properly. They told the girl she couldn't dress like that and the girl listen just because she was scared to lose her job. The sad thing is that the main manager did not tell her himself a dock manager had to tell her, it seemed to me he could say or do whatever he wanted because he is the main manager and people are afraid to get fired. Talk about using your power for evil. Am I wrong about this or am I right? The girl should be allowed to wear anything she wants to when she's off the clock. What do you think? Am I over thinking this?
My name is Belen Lomeli I am 21 years old and currently attending CSUN trying to get my BA in psychology then studying medicine which has been my dream since I was really young. This semester I decided to take an English class a popular English class to be exact I honestly didn't know what this class was about, but I was automatically hooked since the first day off class. Im a full time on site manager for an agency named Tri state that is associated with Fedex in Los Angeles and I am a full time student as well. Everyday I commute to school and back it is tiring, but i am used to it. In my popular Cultural class I've learned that the way we see things is based on social media. We are who we are because of what we see on TV we try to be like the famous celebrities, wear and buy the best new thing. I have to admit I was and maybe still am like that, theres days where I still let the social media influence me, but for the most part I dress and do whatever I want to.
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